I like supermarket and have a fun shopping. In New Zealand, I can buy any vegetables and fruits from one thing. It is important for me, because I make meals by myself. If you want to buy these things, you will pick up them what you want to buy and bring them to casher. And then, casher measures them by weight.
These shelves are displayed Japanese food. Of course, there are shelves of Chinese food and Indian food. When I saw that a New Zealander bought a soy source, I was glad. Japanese food are loved many countries.
この 棚は日本の食品の棚。もちろん中華食材、インド食材もあります。ニュージーランドの人がしょうゆを買ってるのを見るとうれしいですよねー。和食はたくさんの国で愛されているなーって思います。
Also, there are a lot of wines at supermarket. New Zealand’s wines are awesome!!
However, there are fewer competitors in New Zealand, so commodity prices are gradually increasing.
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