
Data Base week5_1



SQL (Structured Query Language)
A standardized non-procedural language used to create, manipulate and manage a database; consists of:

  • Data Definition Language (DDL)
    • Commands that create, alter and drop tables
  • Data Manipulation Language (DML)
    • Commands that maintain and query tables
  • Data Control Language (DCL)
    • Commands that administer privileges and commit data


Constrains (not must but for used by human being.)

  • Constraints enforce rules at the table level.
  • Constraints prevent the deletion of a table if there are dependencies.
  • The following constraint types are valid in SQL:
    • NOT NULL
    • UNIQUE
    • CHECK



Computer Concept week5_1



Operate MS Access

  • Create query
  • Create form
  • Create report


2nd week March Exam

Adam Lambert!!

I love Adam Lambert, who won second prize in the American Idol last year. He has a powerful voice, an ability to attract other person, and good looking, what's more good personality.
He has already some new music!! I was impressed his music. If you are interested in it, please listen to his music.


C# week5_1


Object oriented Program

  • Object: an instance of a class
  • Class: template that define the form of an object. It specifies both the data and the code that will be operate on the data.
    • Member variables: the valuables declared inside a class
    • Method: blocks of code that perform some kind of action or functions
      • Instance Method
      • Static Method
  • Constructor: using for initializing the member of a class. (default value 0 or NULL or false)

    *no return data type


class student


int studentID;

string studentname;

int studentage;



student s1, s2;

s1 = new student();


s2 = new student();



result 0





studentID = 10;

studentname = "ABC";


student s1, s2;

s1 = new student();

s2 = new student();


result s1 and s2: ID 10 name ABC







student s1, s2;

s1 = new student();


result s1 ID 0 name NULL


Access specifiers

  1. private
  2. public
  3. protected
  4. internal
  5. protected internal



class one


int i;

int xyz()


return 10;



class two


public static void Main


one o =new one();





result 0


default: private


19, 20, 22, 25 or 27 = 32?

19, 20, 22 or 25 = 32?
What are these numbers?
The answer is my age. Real my age is 32 years old, but my class mates said to me 19, 20, 22, 25 or 27 ages. Maybe my look is a little young, I always wear jeans and sneaker and don’t make up, and what’s more my English is not fluent. Therefore, my class mates thought I was young.
I was very disappointed, when I heard their thinking. Off course, young look is better than old look. However, these ages are far from my real age. That’s why I decide to become speaking English fluently and behave appropriately for my age!!

19, 20, 22, 25 or 27 = 32?
答えは私の年。実際は32才なんだけど。19, 20, 22, 25 or 27はクラスメイトが言った私の年。たぶん見た目がちょっと若く見えるのもあるのかもしれないけど、それ以上に、いっつもジーパン、スニーカーで化粧してなくて、英語もたどたどしいから余計若く見えるんだと思う。


Computer Concept week4_2


Exam 2nd week of March (close book)

Building Database

  • Data Base: an organized collection of data
  • Field: the smallest information in a database
  • Record: a number of fields
  • DBMS(Data Base Management System): the software, which can allow you to organize and control data in a database
  • Query: getting select information


Database Structure

  • File: a collection of data or information that has a filename and that can be stored permanently on a drive
  • Table: a table is a collection of data about a specific topic
  • Record: a number of fields make up a record
  • Fields: the smallest information in database

  • Key Field: a special type of field, which uniquely identifies a record in a table, or to link relating table in a database

Data Type

  • Digit: a single numeric character 0 to 9
  • Character: a single item, either alphabetic(A-Z, a-z), numeric(0-9), or special symbol
  • Alphabetic: upper case and lower case letters
  • Alphanumeric: upper case and lower case letters(A-Z, a-z) as well as numbers(0-9) and special characters
  • Integer: any positive or negative whole number
  • Floating point: to represent result of large calculation without loss of precision
  • Binary: a numbering system consisting of 0's and 1's

  • Real Number: positive or negative, large or small, whole numbers or decimal numbers

Data Objects

  • Tables
  • Queries
  • Reports
  • Forms


SDI1 week4_2


Presentation: Project Proposal, which we chose case study from on-line shop or club web site

*This Project (on-line shop or club web site) must have uniqueness, so we think about to enhance users because of this uniqueness.

*This PJ should minimize function, but it has to be uniqueness not copy or common site.


Exam preparation (close book)

Week 3 and 4 PPT

  1. 4, 10, 11, 14, 16, 44, 45, 48, 50, 51, 59, 60, 66, 74, 75, 76, 78, 152
    Case Study about TPS, MIS, DSS

SDI1 week4_1

next Friday
  1. Waterfall vs Prototype (definition, stage, key word, diagram, each stage documents, type of process, Pros&Cons)
  2. TPS, MIS, DSS
  3. Case study
Project Proposal
Constrains 制限 (user, seasonal, age)
Assumption 条件

Scope Statement (which is more detailed than goal.)
In Scope : must have
Out of Scope : nice to have

Homework This Friday's presentation


Contact to Woosh

I'm busy catching up with my class, because my English level isn't enough for the class. Therefore, my blog looks like a just class records. Sorry, guys:) However, my classmates help me, so I'm lucky!

I use Wireless Broadband "Woosh" to connect to the internet. It was quite slow speed and often disconnected. I couldn't stand this service, so I called Woosh call center. And then, operator said, "Your cable is slightly broken. So, we will send you a new cable."
Are you shure? He just talked me by phone for one minute. He never had seen my PC!
I wonder why he know without looking my PC. Maybe Woosh's first start-up kits are almost all slightly broken before hand.


オペレーターの回答は 「あなたのケーブルはちょっと壊れてるみたいですね。新しいのを送りますよ」だって。

C# week4_3

int[] a = new int[10];
int[0] = 1;
Valuable & Array : still same data type

Class: property
int StudentId;
string StudentName;
double StudentMarks;
student s;
s = new student(); Constructor or Method
*default 0, NULL or false
Method: action
class Auto
string name;
double price;
string color;
int tyreNo;
void ChangeColor()
*every method must have return data type.
Console.WriteLine("Hello. How are you?");
Console.WriteLine("What are you doing?");
Console.WriteLine("I'm waiting for you.");
Console.WriteLine("Before Method call.");
Console.WriteLine("After Method call.");
i, j=parameter

Sum(int i, int j)
int sum = i+j;
return sum;
int d = 10;
int e = Sum(5,6);
int c = d+e;
Result 21

void xyz()
return xyz; error (void means no return.)


Data Base week4_3



Rule : must

Conventional : easy to understand (user-friendly)

entity : singular


Scenario : Auckland Computer Company Ltd


Packing slip and invoice aren't become entity.

Invoice data are view, because same data don't create 2 tables.


Reseller Order Invoice
1 : 0 or more : 1 or more

Next week

  1. Discuss scenario 30 min

  2. SQL implement
    run query


search real DB design
MS accounting Database


  1. VISIO

  2. Normalization


Data Base week4_1


ERD: Entity Relationship Diagram


Scenario 1

Auckland Computers company Ltd

Auckland Computers company Ltd purchase parts from a variety of suppliers, both in NZ and overseas and use the parts to assemble a range of IBM compatible computers. Auckland Computers do not market directly to the public; they sell their machines to re-sellers such as Dick Smithers. Re-sellers fax orders to Auckland Computers who assemble computers on demand and dispatch the orders with packing slip. The resellers receive their invoice through the post and are encouraged to make payment within 20 days of receipt of invoice.


Way of drawing ERD

  1. Understand business
  2. Find a noun
  3. Delete duplicate noun
  4. Unique noun can't become entity. (only one attribute)

    Ex. Auckland Computer company Ltd.

  5. General noun also can't become entity.

    Ex. Public, Overseas



Computer Concept week4_1



2nd week of March


System software

  • Operating software
  • Utility software


Operating software

  • Managing Processes
  • Managing Memory
  • Handing Input and Output
  • Establish a User Interface


Managing Program

  • Single task: run one program at a time
  • Multitasking: more than one at a time
  • Multithreading: do more than one thing in a single program
  • Multiprocessing: more than one CPU running at the same time


Operating system categories

  • Single-User, Single task operating system

    MS-DOS, PalmOS

  • Single-User, Multitask operating system

    Windows OS, Mac OS, LINUX

  • Multi-User Operating System

    Network operating system


Starting the computer

  • POST
  • Loading the OS
  • Authentication


Utility Program

  • Display Utilities
  • Add or Remove Utilities
  • File Compression Utilities
  • System Maintenance Utilities
  • System Restore and Back Up Utilities
  • The Task Scheduler Utilities
  • Accessibility Utilities


C# week4_2

Array: use more than one value

int[] i = new int[3];
int[0] = 1;
int[1] = 5;
int[2] = 7;
      index or secretive value (If you create array "n", it means index becomes "n-1".)

string[] k = new string[2];
k[0] = "2"; ….

int[] i = {1,2,3,4};

Multidimensional Array: more than one dimensional array
* It doesn't mean graph such as 3D (x, y, z), so C# allow to use whatever number of dimensional is. (But it will be required more memory.)
int[,] m = new int[2,2,2];
jagged array: it become to use memory efficiently when you use multidimensional array.

int[,] l = new int[4][];
l[0] = new int[1];
l[1] = new int[2];
l[2] = new int[1];
l[3] = new int[1];

l[0][0] = 1;
l[0][1] = 5; error

C# week4_1



const: Constant (When you don't want to change the value, it will be used.)

block: { - block- }


Scope and lifetime of variables


int i = 5; //It only use in this block.



Nested scope


int i = 10;



//"i" can be used here





int i = 10;


int i = 15;




Result: error


SDI1 week3_2



Type of Software Development

TPS : Transaction Processing System

MIS : Management information System

DSS : Decision Support System


Management Information System (MIS)

  • Routine information for routine decisions
  • Operational efficiency
  • Use transaction data as main input
  • Database integrate MIS in different functional areas



MIS output

  • Schedule reports
  • Demand reports
  • Exception reports


Decision Support System

  • DSS - a decision support is an organized collection of people, procedure, software, databases and devices used to support problem specific decision making.


Compare TPS, DSS, MIS


Data Base week4_1



  • ERD
  • Normalization-single themed
    • Anomalies





Multi value in one cell



Valuable information missing








Single theme tables

Confining the entries in any one table to data related to a single set of related attributes


Formal Definition of the Normal Forms

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

*up to 3rd industry standard


1st Normal Form (1NF)


  1. There are no duplicated rows in the table.
  2. Each cell is single-valued
  3. Entries in a column (attribute, field) are of the same kind.


  1. Eliminate Repeating Groups.
  2. Make a separate table for each set of related attributes.
  3. Give each table a primary key.

*non-key: it has to be unique per row.


2nd Normal Form (2NF)


A table is in 2NF if it is in 1NF and if all non-key attributes are dependent on all of the key.


  1. Eliminate Redundant Data.
  2. If an attribute depends on only part of a multi-valued key, remove it to a separate table.

3rd Normal Form (3NF)


A table is in 3NF if it is in 2NF and if it has no transitive dependencies.


  1. Eliminate Columns Not Dependent on Key.
  2. If attributes do not contribute to a description of the key, remove them to a separate table.

Transitive dependency

AB and BC = AC


Author Last Name

Author First Name

Book Title


Collection or Library



Book TitleSubject SubjectLibrary LibraryBuilding

Thus, Book TitleBuilding



Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)


A table is in BCNF if it is in 3NF and if every determinant is a candidate key.

4th Normal Form (4NF)


A table is in 4NF if it is in BCNF and if it has no multi-valued dependencies.


  1. Isolate Independent Multiple Relationships.
  2. No table may contain two or more l:n or n:m relationships that are not directly related.

5th Normal Form (5NF)


A table is in 5NF, also called "Projection-Join Normal Form" (PJNF), if it is in 4NF and if every join dependency in the table is a consequence of the candidate keys of the table.


  1. Isolate Semantically Related Multiple Relationships.
  2. There may be practical constraints on information that justify separating logically related many-to-many relationships.

Domain-Key Normal Form (DKNF)


A table is in DKNF if every constraint on the table is a logical consequence of the definition of keys and domains.


The fastest browser on Earth (地上最速のブラウザ)

I downloaded Opera browser, which is faster than ever browser(even though Google chrome).
My internet connect speed is quite slow, however, if I use this browser, I will use internet normal speed.
I have never seen such a fast speed in New Zealand!
If you are interested in Opera, you will get it from Opera site.


Computer Concept week3_2

System Software
Application Software

Holizontal application
Word, Excel, Access
Vertical application
Medical offices, Restaurant management

Productive Software
Word, Excel, Access
Multimedia Software
Image software, Video software, Audio software

Commercial software

Integrate Software Application : for beginner
Software Suite : group (package) of software, more affordable

Audio editing software
2010 Audio Editing Software Review Product Comparisons
  • Dexster Audio Editor       
  • Magix Music Maker       
  • WavePad       
  • GoldWave Digital Audio Editor       
  • Blaze Media Pro       
  • Acoustica       
  • Fx Audio Editor       
  • NGWave Audio Editor
  • Diamond Cut Millennium

  • Audio Editor Pro
    Pasted from <http://audio-editing-software-review.toptenreviews.com/>


Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is Internet- ("cloud-") based development and use of computer technology ("computing").
A technical definition is "a computing capability that provides an abstraction between the computing resource and its underlying technical architecture (e.g., servers, storage, networks), enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.This definition states that clouds have five essential characteristics: on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service


Data Base week3_3

Open source :

production that promote access to the end product's source materialstypically, their source code.

Pasted from <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source>


Primary Key

a unique key can uniquely identify each row in a table, and is closely related to the Superkey concept. A unique key comprises a single column or a set of columns. No two distinct rows in a table can have the same value (or combination of values) in those columns if NULL values are not used. Depending on its design, a table may have arbitrarily many unique keys but at most one primary key.


Pasted from <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primary_key>


Candidate Key

a candidate key of a relation is a minimal superkey for that relation; that is, a set of attributes such that

  • the relation does not have two distinct tuples with the same values for these attributes
  • there is no proper subset of these attributes for which (1) holds.

Pasted from <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primary_Key>



Crow Foot : using to indicate relationship between entities.




One to Many


Many to One


Many to Many


Home Work Exercise Sheet Week2

SDI1 week3_1




  • Waterfall Model
  • Prototype Model



  • Requirements/Analysis
  • Design
  • Implement
  • Testing
  • Deployment
  • Maintenance


Requirements : can do

Sys requirements

User requirements

Client requirements


Specification(Unique) : it is


Prototype Documentation

Client meeting

Supervisor meeting



Suggest Modeling

Initial Step

Prototype Model

And then

Chose Waterfall or Prototype Model


Some degree changeable from Prototype to Waterfall Model


Prototype Model's Pros

  • Better understanding of requirements
  • Good starting point

Prototype Model's Cons

  • The prototype may be used as a starting point rather than thrown away.
  • The prototype typically have poor design and quality.
  • Bad decisions during prototyping may propagate to the real product.


Waterfall Model vs Prototype Model

Prototype Strength

  • No need much requirement/detail.
  • Easy to accept changes in the middle of project.
  • Usually get little resistance from users.
  • Involve the user in analysis & design.

Waterfall Strength

  • Can make a reliable system.
  • Cost benefit & payback analysis are more clear & closed.
  • Time & budget could estimate in front.


Prototype Weakness

  • Cost benefit & payback analysis are not clear & only estimate.
  • Budget & time must flexible.
  • If goal not clear, subject requirements from user will involve.

Waterfall Weakness

  • Need detail spec of what & how to get the target. (more req.)
  • Need big effort & budget if something important change in the middle of project

C# Week3_3

10/02/2010 (wed)



int i=2



case 1:

case 2: Console.WriteLine("Hello");



If case1 uses without break and no statement sequence, it will work.




for(); = for() {}

*Using ";" after for, it means sentence end.


for(int i=10,j=12; i<0; i++,j--) {}


increment operator

pre increment ++i = i+1

post increment i++ = i+1

Both are same meaning, but increment timing is different.


int i=5;

int j=i++ +6;


Result 11


int i=5;

int j=++i +6;


Result 12


int i=5;

int j=++i - --i + i++;




Result 6(i)



int i=10;

int j=5;

int k=i-- - --i * --j + j++ / i++;













for : We know how many times it works for loop.

while : We don't know how many times it works for loop.

do while : At least one time.


whille(bool condition)


Console.WriteLine(" ");





Console.WriteLine(" ");

} while(bool condition);


string value=Console.Readline();

It means to read someone to input value.

int i=int.Parse(value);

It means to cast from string to integer.


Lotto example

Console.WriteLine("Enter number between 1 and 100");

string number = Console.ReadLine();

int num = int.Parse(number);

while (num != 50)


Console.WriteLine("Sorry you missed chance");

Console.WriteLine("Please enter 1 if you want play again otherwise enter 0");

string choice = Console.ReadLine();

int value = int.Parse(choice);

if (value == 0)


Console.WriteLine("Good bye");





Console.WriteLine("Enter any number between 1 and 100");

string number1 = Console.ReadLine();

int num1 = int.Parse(number1);

if (num1 == 50)


Console.WriteLine("congratulation you won prises of 200,000 dollar");






if (num == 50)


Console.WriteLine("congratulation you won prises of 200,000 dollar");




Great! Picasa

I use blogger and upload pictures. These pictures are uploaded Picasa automatically. Therefore, I downloaded Picasa 3. It is easy to upload pictures and to allow to modify pictures a littele:)
I think Picasa is better than flickr. This software is worth downloading!


MS Office OneNote

I don't want to buy MS Office, but it is difficult to do homework and other things. Therefore, I bought MS Office yesterday. It cost $144.00 with a USB memory stick.

I wonder why MS Office in New Zealand is cheaper than Japan.

I find differences between them, because including contents are different. MS Office, which I bought, is made up of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. Maybe it is included Access in Japan.

I started to use MS Office OneNote. Firstly, it looks quite complex. However, this is flexible, so I think it is a useful software. It's like a combine daily and notebook!!


MS Officeを買いたくなかったけれども、宿題やるにはどうしても必要だったので、しぶしぶ昨日買いにいきました。ニュージーは日本より安くて$144ドル(1万円ぐらいといったところ)キャンペーン中だったらしくUSBもおまけにくれた。

なぜ日本のより安いかというとパッケージされているソフトが少し少ないからみたい。私の買ったソフトはWord, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote4つで、たぶん日本のだとAccessも入っているんじゃないかなー。


The price of PC in NZ vs JP

It is my homework, which is to research the PC in real shop, so I want to compare with the PC price of New Zealand and Japanese one.

New Zealand's price: $1699.00
 (about 106,017yen 1NZD=62.4 JPY 2/10/2010 )
Japanese price: 82,800yen

  • Display: 13.3''
  • CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.26GHz
  • HDD: 250 GB
  • Memory: 2GB DDR3 PC3-8500
  • Processor: 3MB
  • Cache: L2
  • FSB: 1066MHz
New Zealand's price: $2899.00
(about 180,897yen 1NZD=62.4 JPY 2/10/2010 )
Japanese price: 159,999yen
  • Display: 27.0''
  • CPU: Core 2 Duo 3.06GHz
  • HDD: 1TB
  • Memory: 4GB DDR3 PC3-8500
  • Processor: 3MB
  • Cache: L2 3MB
  • FSB: 1066MHz




Sony VAIO VGNFW53GFW Notebook
New Zealand's price: $1799.00
(about 112,257yen 1NZD=62.4 JPY 2/10/2010 )
Japanese price: unknown

  • Display: 16.4'' 
  • CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.20GHz 
  • HDD: 320GB
  • RAM: 3GB DDR2
  • Processor: 3MB


HP Pavilion Elite 180
New Zealand's price: $2499.00
 (about 155,937yen 1NZD=62.4 JPY 2/10/2010 )
Japanese price: unknown

Display: 20''
CPU: Core i5
Processor: 3MB

I can' t find same spec of some computers, because New Zealand's PCs are oleder than Japan.