
PHP Aplication

These days, I have studied about PHP & SQLite. Now I am making "Life expense application", which is a very compact program. I use iphone application to record my life expense, but sometimes I think this application is not convenient. Therefore, I want to make it.
First, I thought I could make it one day, however, I have made for 4 days. Maybe my plan is a little bad. For example, I realized I can't use int type for amount, because $ has a decimal:)


2 件のコメント:

  1. "Life expense application" - very useful program, I was searching for such programs, but couldn't find a convinient one... Will it be in Japanese or in English too?:)

  2. Thanks!
    I use iXpenseIt now. Sorry, "Life expense" isn't correct. "Living expense" is right.
    I made it in English and in Japanese.
    When I will have done it, I will show you this program, which is very easy:)

