
Ice Cream!! (アイス!)

This is a little expensive Kohu Load ice cream. Maybe it costs about $5, but it’s not mine, my friend’s. The reason of expensive ice cream is that this is made from organic products. I love ice cream, and my host family loves ice cream, too. My host family’s children can’t have ice cream every day, so when the children want to eat ice cream, they ask their father or mother to have ice cream. However, their parents forget their children to eat yesterday or not. As a result, it is self-certification. Sometimes older brother backs up younger brother, and older brother says, "He didn't eat ice cream yesterday." I think this thing is as same as Japan. Very very cute!!

これはちょっと高めのKohu Loadというアイス、確か5ドルぐらい。私のではなく友達の。高い理由はオーガニック素材でつくられているかららしい。私もホストファミリーもアイスが大好き。ホストファミリーの下の子達は毎日アイスを食べちゃいけないので、食べるときは必ずホストファザーかホストマザーにいってから。でも、お父さんたちは昨日食べたかどうかなんて覚えてなくて結局のところ自己申告制。たまにお兄ちゃんが弟をかばって「弟は昨日はアイス食べてないよ」といったり。こういうところは日本と一緒だなーって思う。とってもかわいい!!

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