
Exam preparation C# Random number

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;


namespace ConsoleApplication4


//Random number

//Someone select number and bet money.

//If this number much the random number, he will play again and select number again.

//If not, he will lose money.

//And programming ask him whether he wants to play again or not.



void Main(string[] args)


//Initialize Random

Random rd = new


//Declare variable for while roop

int h=0;


//He plays at least one time. After playing, he chose to play again or not.




//Ask him to select number

Console.WriteLine("Pay $5.00 and select numbaer from 1-6.");


//Generate random number

int rd1 = 1 + rd.Next(6);


//Display random number for Debug

Console.WriteLine("Random number " + rd1);


//Read input data

string input1=Console.ReadLine();


//Convert from string to interger

int i=int.Parse(input1);


//Check to mutch input number and random number

if (i == rd1)


//Display congraturations and ask 2nd number

Console.WriteLine("Congraturations!! First much!");

Console.WriteLine("Please select 2nd number from 1-6.");


//Generate 2nd random numbaer

int rd2 = 1 + rd.Next(6);


//Display 2nd random number for debug

Console.WriteLine("2nd rndom number " + rd2);


//Read input 2nd data

string input2 = Console.ReadLine();


//Convert from string to interger

int k = int.Parse(input2);


//Check to much 2nd input number and 2nd random number

if (k == rd2)


//Display congraturations

Console.WriteLine("Congraturations!! Second much!!");

Console.WriteLine("You win this game and get $1,000.00!!");





//Display his loose

Console.WriteLine("Sorry you lose this game.");





//Display his loose

Console.WriteLine("Sorry you lose this game.");


//Ask him to play again or not

Console.WriteLine("Do you want to play again? Yes-1 No-0");


//Read input data

string input3 = Console.ReadLine();


//Convert from string to integer

h = int.Parse(input3);


//End of do while loop



//Display good bye

Console.WriteLine("Good bye! See you!!");





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