
C# week5_3

  1. this
  2. Method overloading

  3. inheritance

  4. this
    class xyz

    public int id;
    xyz ()
    this.id=id; (Access class valuable)


  5. Method overloading
    Def. If 2 Methods in a class has a same name, but they have different number of parameter (augment) or same number of parameter but different is their data type called "over load Method".

    If 2 methods in a class define with the same name, same number of parameter, same type of parameter, but have different return data type, they will not be overloaded.
    = error (It is required same order.)

    namespace ConsoleApplication4
    class abc
    static void Main(string[] arg)
    Test t = new Test();
    Test t1 = new Test(3);
    Test t2 = new Test(3.3);
    class Test
    public Test()
    Console.WriteLine("Without parameter");

    public Test(int i)
    Console.WriteLine("one int parameter");

    public Test(double k)
    Console.WriteLine("one double parameter");

    Without parameter
    one into parameter
    one double parameter


  6. inheritance: reuse
    class A
    protected int i=5;
    protected void xyz();
    class B:A
    (class B can use A)
    class C
    (class C can't use A)

    class A
    static protected void xyz()
    Console.WriteLine(" ");
    class B:A
    static void Main
    static xyz();


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