
Big pine cones (松ぼっくりが大きい)

I found big pine cones. These are bigger than Japanese ones. Maybe the size is the same as tall size of Sturbucks' coffee. However, I looked at these carefully. I felt yacky. How do you think?


Garden (庭園)

New Zealand is affected the United Kingdom, so there are a lot of Western gardens in New Zealand. Almost all gardens are covered with lawn grasses and well looked after. I think parks in the United States are different from gardens. However, it is difficult for me to explain these differences. Therefore, please look at my pictures!
(When I went to this garden, some people celebrated for wedding!!)



Lovely streets in Rotorua (ロトルアの素敵な町並み)

I think that one of the best points in Rotorua is street, because there are lovely cute streets. In the United States, everything is big. However, New Zealand is not so big. Therefore, I don't feel something is wrong. Sometimes, I forget that I live in New Zealand.



Air New Zealand Wine Award (ニュージーランド航空ワインアワード)

The results of Air New Zealand Wine Award have been decided. New Zealand is famous for wine, so I can get a good wine for low price!
But I have never drunk a good red wine here, because white wine is more popular and better than red wine in New Zealand. I want to buy a red wine listed this site.



Cute MacDonald! (キュートなマックを発見)

I found the Cute MacDonald, that picture is the shop in Rotorua. The flags of McDonald and New Zealand were shown at the roof of this shop.
It looks like McDonald was established in New Zealand!



Santa Claus (サンタクロース)

I found Santa Claus at St. Lukes shopping mall in New Zealand. I realized If you take a picture with Santa, you will pay money after taking this picture. Maybe he didn't think I was 32 years old:)
I thought Santa, who lived in south hemisphere, wore a red shirt with short sleeve. But he didn't wear it.


Iceberg heading for New Zealand (氷河がニュージーランドに接近)

I am interested in about the news of iceberg. New Zealand is near the Antarctica, so Iceberg float from there. I saw mainly TVNZ news. But it has been chunk since yeaterday. If this iceberg come to Auckland, I will go to see it.



Cake! Cake!! Cake!!!

We like a cake, so we have eaten cakes! This was a chocolate cake, which was ordered by my friend.

This is mine, which is coated sticky caramel. Uhhn. Yummy!!

When I was eating this cake, I want to drink coffee. The combination of cake and coffee were very nice.

And this was my friend’s hot chocolate:)

Gypsy Fair (ジプシーフェア)

When I went to Rotorua, Gypsy Fair was held in front of our hotel. It looks like a fairy tale. A man played guitar, some people sold clothes and other people sold pictures or sculpture. Maybe they moved from place to place in New Zealand. Also, their truck were very cute! I took a picture of their trucks’ back.



Italian Food in NZ (ニュージーでイタリアン)

I had Italian food in Rotorua. This is the special recommended pasta, which is called shop’s name. We ordered this one, but this tastes something strange. I think this flavor is like a Chinese food. When I ate this more than half, I thought it is not so bad. I want to eat real Italian food. However, this rastaurant is very friendly and good location!!


English is useful (英語って便利だなーと思う瞬間)

When we went to Rotorua, the bus was stopped. The driver said, “I stopped this bus. Because someone is trying to contact me, so maybe something was happened.”
In short, the driver’s cell phone was calling. I supposed he told someone about how to use household appliances. If I speak this sentence in Japanese, people will think stupid person. Therefore, I think these word, such as someone, something, anyone or anything, are useful!

でもこんな文章を日本語でいったら、たぶんおかしな人だと思われる。someone、something、anyone、 anythingって便利な言葉だなーと思った。


Go Rotorua (ロトルアに旅行)

Rotorua is famous for hot spring. Of course, people, who wear swimsuits, take a hot spring. It’s like a hot pool, but it’s pretty good. Almost all New Zealander use only shower, so I want to take a bath. Main purposes of this trip are taking a bath for long time and eating plenty of food. I think travel is important, because it is hard to live in other’s house. (Definitely, my host family is very very nice family.)
Therefore, if you stay at home stay, you will travel somewhere rarely.



Plenty of Nature (自然がいっぱい)

I understood the good point of New Zealand is plenty of nature. Rotorua takes only a 3-hours drive from Auckland. Here is a very peaceful place. I want to live in countryside of New Zealand. Maybe people, who live in countryside, are happier urban dwellers. I envy citizens of Rotorua.



Register Yahoo! JAPAN Webowner Center (Yahoo!ウェブオーナーセンターへ登録)

I registered Yahoo! JAPAN Webowner Center 2days ago. Sorry, I'm late:)
I want to get some money from Yahoo! JAPAN Webowner Center. But reality is difficult, so I hope my blog's PV will increase gradually and I will post more interesting topic!
Today I am going to travel to Rotorua, see you tomorrow!!



Wine in Plastic Bottles (プラスチックボトルのワインを販売)

According to the news of New Zealand, a Marlborough vineyard uses the plastic bottle for wine.(Marlborough is famous for wine.) I was amazed at this news, but when I think about it, it is a natural movement: Because paper bottle is already used for wine in Japan. This article says it keeps a taste of wine for 18 month.
I will travel Rotorua this weekend, and I want to drink New Zealand’s wine!!


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Parnell Festival!! (パーネルのお祭り)

This was Parnell Festival. There were some shops on the road and this was nice day, so I enjoyed this festival. However, I heard that some Japanese food shops opened on another road, such as Takoyaki and Okonomiyaki. I wish I heard it before I went to there, but I think maybe it’s not so delicious:)



English School in NZ (ニュージーの語学学校)

I go to AIS St Helens, which is English Language School in Auckland. This school is located at Auckland suburb (it takes 20 minutes by train.), so tuition is little cheaper than the school of Auckland city.
There are many Chinese students in this school. I think half of the students are Chinese people, because I heard that one executive is a Chinese person. I don’t want many Japanese students in my class, so it’s good for me.

私はAIS St Helensというオークランドにある語学学校に通ってます。この学校はオークランドといってもちょっと郊外にあるので(電車で20分ぐらいのとこ)、オークランドシティにある学校より少し授業料が安い。

Drilling for whisky in Antarctica!? (南極のウィスキーを掘り起こす!?)

I saw the news that New Zealander prepare to drill for whisky in Antarctica in the New Year. This rare whisky was brought by the British explorer in 1909. But he couldn’t success, so this whisky was embedded naturally.
It's an interesting story! I didn't know this is needed a permit to drill in Antarctica.
I wonder how this whisky tastes. Maybe very good!!


Ice Cream!! (アイス!)

This is a little expensive Kohu Load ice cream. Maybe it costs about $5, but it’s not mine, my friend’s. The reason of expensive ice cream is that this is made from organic products. I love ice cream, and my host family loves ice cream, too. My host family’s children can’t have ice cream every day, so when the children want to eat ice cream, they ask their father or mother to have ice cream. However, their parents forget their children to eat yesterday or not. As a result, it is self-certification. Sometimes older brother backs up younger brother, and older brother says, "He didn't eat ice cream yesterday." I think this thing is as same as Japan. Very very cute!!

これはちょっと高めのKohu Loadというアイス、確か5ドルぐらい。私のではなく友達の。高い理由はオーガニック素材でつくられているかららしい。私もホストファミリーもアイスが大好き。ホストファミリーの下の子達は毎日アイスを食べちゃいけないので、食べるときは必ずホストファザーかホストマザーにいってから。でも、お父さんたちは昨日食べたかどうかなんて覚えてなくて結局のところ自己申告制。たまにお兄ちゃんが弟をかばって「弟は昨日はアイス食べてないよ」といったり。こういうところは日本と一緒だなーって思う。とってもかわいい!!


Native English 1 (大げさ?)

There are a lot of expressions, which I didn't learn in school. I introduce you to Native English! (But New Zealand joins Commonwealth, so this English is different from American english.)


1.“Cloudy” isn’t used. New Zealander use “overcast.”
Maybe you can hear this word at weather forecast many times.


2."Yucky" or "yuck" is often used and useful word.
Ex1. When outside was nasty weather, my host family said "Outside is yacky."¥
Ex2. When we talked about "Chicken cream cheese Sushi",my host family said, "Chicken cream cheese Sushi sounds yucky, but it tastes nice."

使い方1 外が荒れているときに、私のホストファミリーが"Outside is yacky."「外は大荒れね。」という感じでつかってました。
使い方2 チキンクリームチーズ寿司の話をしていたときに、私のホストファミリーが"Chicken cream cheese Sushi sounds yucky, but it tastes nice."「名前はえ?って思うけど、味はおいしかったわね。」だって。

Today I write easy blog. See you!! I will think about writing this topic next time:)



Marmite (マーマイト)

I think Marmite tastes like a chocolate, but it is totally different from chocolate. It tastes salty and strange flavor. However, it doesn’t taste bad and doesn’t taste delicious.
Maybe the way that I ate is also bad, because I spread only Marmite on bread. According to wikipedia, “it is usually spread thinly with butter or margarine.” Next time I will try to this way. English wikipedia says New Zealand’s Marmite is milder than English one. (By comparison, Japanese wikipedia is fully different from English one!)
If you will this wikipedia, you can know how much commonwealth people love this Marmite. It is a very interesting story. How much nutrition there is in Marmite!
Maybe I will buy souvenir. I can’t describe this taste, so you will try it!



Christmas Elmo (クリスマスエルモ)

I found this Christmas Elmo at Kmart!
It's very very cute!! If you push Elmo's hand, he will start singing "Gingle bell".
In New Zealand, there is already starting Chrismas.



Sunshine (日差しが強い!!)

I feel little pain in the face. My friend says same thing. That’s why sunshine of New Zealand is very strong. In particularly, it is stronger than before, so I’m scared of summer. But I love summer!
Of course, I wear a sunscreen every day. Now, I wonder whether I will buy a stronger sunscreen or not. However, strong sunscreen is bad for skin. Uhh.. Difficult choice!
Anyway I have to wear cap everyday.



Scotland (スコットランド)

I wrote about Scotland at class, and I will make a presentation tomorrow. So I'm busy today. Today I write easy blog!
This time our assignment is that we choose one country(Except own country) and describe this country. The reason, which I chose Scotland, is very simple, because school library has more Scotland books than others. But I didn't know where Scotland is. Therefore, it was hard for me to write about unsure of country. This picture is a cover of my presentation. I have to prepare for presentation!


Homestay diet (ホームステイダイエット)

Before I came to New Zealand, I believe all people, who stay at homestay, get fat. However, I lose weight about 4 kg. I know this reason, because I eat diner early and less than ever.
I usually eat diner at 7:00 o’clock and my host mother serves me not so much, after that I don’t have anything by breakfast. The reason is that I have said to my family good night, so I stay in my room.
Another reason is that I had meal less than ever. New Zealander have usually simple meal. I have cereals for breakfast, thin breads for lunch and one pleat dinner such as one piece of meet, potato chips and vegetables.
While I sleep at night, I feel hungry and wake up, but I sleep again. In New Zealand, they have a custom not to make noise at night. Therefore, even though they use toilet at midnight, they don’t flash:)



Chocolate addiction!! (チョコ中毒)

After I came to New Zealand, I have gotten intense craving for chocolate. Therefore, I ate choco cake. Yummmmyy!!
This shop is near my house, and the shop was written before. Another picture is inside the shop. This is French grouceries shop such as pigeon and Freanch bread. It’s cute!!


How to study IELTS listening 1

I heard dictation is good for listening, but I found it difficult to dictate English at my level in Japan. Dictation is listeng to English and writing down it.
If you do dictation, you will understand what I said, because dictation is needed ability to not only listen to English but also pick it up temporarily. After a long interval, I dictated IELTS listening again, so I can understand what they said and remember them. Of course, I have many mistakes. I decided to continue this practice. I enjoy this studying and I can find spelling error. IELTS test isn't a mark sheet test.Spelling is one of important parts.



How much Life Expense? (生活費っていくら?)

When I lived in Japan, I searched about New Zealand blog but couldn’t look for suitable blog. So I started writing this blog. Almost all people want to know how much studying abroad costs. I write about my life expense from September to October, but I arrived here on 14th September. Actually, my life expense is about one and a half months.
I save money pretty well, so if you want to live more luxury, you will need more money.


Life Expense (生活費)

Total Expense (学費、家賃、生活費合計)

Simple Lunch!!

This is my lunch. I usually bring food (mainly bread) for lunch, because it’s economical and I have lunchtime only 30 minutes. I calculated my living expense. When I will continue my life, I will have enough money to live here.
I promise that I didn’t spend money, but I need more money than I expected. Especially home stay is needed more money than flat, because I can’t stay my house all day. If I stay all day, my host family will be worry about me. Therefore, I go out every weekend. However, Auckland is very small. I have already been to Auckland main parts. Recently, I go to library on weekend, and I use Internet and study hard maybe.
Though home stay is needed more money, I experience more than flatting people.



Chinese food (中華)

Yesterday I ate Chinese food for lunch. I stay at homestay and they have meet and vegetables for dinner, so I want always to have noodle or Japanese food. Chinese food is cheeper than Japanese food. Maybe the number of Chinese population is more than Japanese. Therefore, I had Chinese food, it's $6.90!
And I can chose 3 deli. My friend had curry, there are also a big population of the Indian people!


RSS Reader (iPhoneアプリRSSリーダー)

I use this iPhone application for getting RSS, but I don't subscribe iPhone, so I use it connecting free WiFi. It is difficult for me to watch blogs in my iPhone.
Therefore I use this application. My school has WiFi, so I access to get RSS during at school and I can read follower blogs at my home. I think Japanese application isn’t good in New Zealand, because Japanese people can access anywhere and unlimited. (It’s thanks to Mr. Song:)
The setting of this application is very easy. When you enter google address, it automatically links blogger’s follower blogs!
If you are interested in RSS reader application "MobileRSS - From Google Reader", you will use this one.

設定はとっても簡単。グーグルのメールアドレスをいれると自動的にブロガーで読者になっているブログを取得してくれるんです。もしこのアプリ「MobileRSS - From Google Reader」に興味があれば、使ってみて。


Christmas (クリスマス)

I went to Starbucks, and they displayed the Christmas. My friend said to me, “It doesn’t snow at Christmas time in New Zealand, but this tree is covered with snow.”
Exactly, the snow is piled up on the tree. It’s cute!!
Maybe Starbucks uses same display in North and South hemisphere:)
Therefore, I drank frappetino of nuts flavor.



Cake!! Cake!! Cake!!

When I came here, I have loved sweets very much. I don't know why I like them, but I sometimes get intense craving for chocolate or cake.
Uh..m!! Yummy!!
This is cheese cake, which is my Lunch:)



MY teacher (私の先生です)

This PC, which is used by me at school is prohibited You Tube, so I don't know this link is correct or not. However, if you have a time, please look at this You Tube.
(If you don't look this link. You search "AXECELLENT" in You Tube.)
The man, who threw away axe, is my teacher, he is very interesting teacher!


Fireworks (花火)

Yesterday was Guy Fawkes Day, and this story is very interesting. New Zealander celebrates this day with fireworks. Guy Fawkes was an assassin in 1605. He tried to kill King James of England and his family, but he was caught and executed. People bought tickets to watch him die.
Now today is celebrated every year in English, New Zealand and Australia. On November 5th, people celebrate by letting off fireworks.
People have always enjoyed Guy Fawkes Night in New Zealand, but recently the government made some kinds of fireworks illegal. This is because they can cause fires, and scare and hurt animals.
I talked about fireworks to my host father, who was very gentle. Nowadays, we can buy fireworks only this week, but he agrees that fireworks are prohibited. I understood why he agreed this one, because New Zealand is prohibited displaying fireworks in public space and New Zealander displayed fireworks in their garden. House closes to another house in Auckland residential area, so it is dangerous for neighborhood to display fireworks. And I think New Zealand’s fireworks are nosier than Japanese ones. That’s why some people dislike fireworks.



TVNZ (iPhoneアプリTVNZ)

TVNZ is one of the most famous TV in New Zealand. I get the news from iPhone. My school has WiFi, so I can access the Internet from iPhone during school. And this TVNZ Application memories last up date information, so if I come back home, I will see the news. It is useful!!


Halloween (ハロウィーン)

A short time ago, Halloween was celebrated in my town, but it was not a big ceremony. Just some children wore costumes. However, New Zealand’s children sometimes wear costume, such as Spiderman, Batman or something, so it is not special things to wear costume.
When I came back home on Halloween day, my host family children waited for children to give some sweets and also ate sweats, too. And he wrote arrowed line for children! Very lovely!!



All Blacks in Tokyo (オールブラックスが東京に)

These days, the sports news introduce about All Blacks in Tokyo game. The game has finished last weekend. I think the rugby of New Zealand is more exiting and powerful than Japanese one, because the size of their body is different from Japanese.
Before rugby game, they dance Haka, which is traditional Maori war dance, so they relief from fear. I want to go to see rugby games, but rugby season is winter. I am going to wait next year game.


Cereal (シリアル)

I eat cereal every morning, because it is good for health, causes less constipation and takes no time. My host family is big family, so there are always three or four kinds of cereals. I choose Weet-Bix, which is not so delicious, but the best cereal treats constipation. Therefore, I have this cereal everyday.
One day, when I read the book about New Zealand, I found the article about Weet-Bix. I was surprised at this, because this cereal is most popular cereal, comes from United States in 19th century and is consumed by the tonne every day now! How light this is!
If you eat Weet-Bix, you smother enough milk to it!



Free WiFi in Auckland Library

In Auckland Public Library, there is free Wi-Fi. I can use this Wi-Fi up to 100MB/Day. It is useful, because it takes 15-minute-walk from my house to Auckland Library. I often use this Wi-Fi.
It is easy to start using it. When you access this Wi-Fi, you can see agreement. After you agree this page, you can use the Wi-Fi.


Slopes (坂道)

This is Auckland. There are many slopes in Auckland, but I can’t know by map. Therefore, sometimes I was amazed at the slope when I was walking. Not only there are slopes in Auckland city, but also there are in Auckland suburb. I know this reason, because Auckland is motorized society, so they didn't consider with pedestrian. Whenever you go out, you can find there are a lot of slopes!!



Udon (うどん)

I cooked Udon, which was sent my husband from Japan, last night. As I heard it is expensive, because it costs about $15.00 (1,000yen :), this noodle is salty and I used to cook cheap Udon and this time Udon was little salty. However, I think Udon is one of the gladdest Japanese foods for host family; what’s more it is easy to cook. Very nice!!
In New Zealand, there is still cold, so I made hot Udon. My host family was very glad. My host mother said to me, ”My home stay students have never made dinner. You cook first time. Honestly, I’m glad.”
Finally, I think, “If you cook failure, it will be good for you and your host family to challenge cooking. Don’t be shy!”


Sushi (すし)

I made Sushi yesterday. It is difficult for me to make it, but I think it is not but halfway. However, when I cut sushi, it looks bad. Because knife is blunt, so I think “Oh, my god!” When my host mother came home, she taught me, “This knife is better than you use.” So I finished cutting, but it is not much to look at. As I remember important thing, I have Udon, too. That’s all right! Therefore, I was satisfied with Japanese food by myself. I remembered, “I am Japanese.”
